Category: NPI

What is a NPI and How Do You Get One?

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A National Provider Identifier (NPI) is a 10-digit numerical identifier for health-care providers. It has a national reach and is specific to the provider. Previously, a provider had a unique identification number for each payer; however, beginning May 23, 2007, a provider has a single identifier that is used by all payers. The number is…

How long does it take to get NPI number?

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What is an NPI? All healthcare providers are required by HIPAA to have a National Provider Identifier (NPI). Individual healthcare providers, as well as provider associations such as clinics, hospitals, schools, and group practices, are assigned this number, which is specific and provided by the government. Before filing claims or engaging in other HIPAA-compliant transactions,…

Who is eligible for an NPI number?

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What is an NPI Number? The NPI (National Provider Identifier) Number is a 10-digit numerical identifier that is used to classify a single provider or a healthcare organization. Other suppliers, employers, health plans, and payers all have access to an NPI number. The HIPAA required the implementation of a common, specific health identifier for each…

The NPI Registry and Why It Matters

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What is an NPI Number? In the United States of America, an NPI is a ten-digit, specific numeric identifier for healthcare providers. An NPI number is required for healthcare providers and is used in a variety of ways, such as billing, insurance, Medicare and Medicaid, pharmacy information, and state-specific medical boards. Under the hippa, NPIs…